He's here, The Phantom of the Opera... Русский | English
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Первый Призрак. Sydmonton.

Текст арий. What has time dome to me.

Июль 1985| Автор Ричард Стилго.

Seems so long,
Since I last saw him.
Maybe he’d look strange...

(spoken) Pretty voice...

The face I knew...

(spoken) The face of iron.

...could be so different,
People sometimes change.

(spoken angrily) What did I say? Like toad!

All I see,
Is how he used to be.
Can past and present now agree?
And if time has altered him,
What has time done to me?

(Transformation to the Gala. Kristin is revealed in full costume)

All I see,
Is how he used to be.
Can past and present now agree?
And if time has altered him,
What has time done to me?

When two loved ones,
Go their separate ways,
Then time has changed the minutes,
Into days.

Seems so long,
Since I last saw him.
I remember how,
He used to sound,
Strong and yet gentle.
How does he sound now?

Will I know,
The voice from long ago,
Or has time taken him from me?
And if time has altered him,
What has time done to me?

(the audience break into huge applause with shouts of "Bravo!")

Oh Kristin...
It can't be this angel!
(he joins in the applause) Bravo!
Then a child,
That demure way she smiled...

Or has the past forgotten me?
And if time has altered him,
Then what has time done...
Ah... (she explores her range)
To me?

Тексты арий  были взяты с  сайта Тома Эткинса с его разрешения специально для этого сайта.

The  lyrics of the songs  were  taken from site by Tom Atkins The Phantom of the Opera - The Sydmonton workshop with his permission special for this site. Thank you very much Tom for your help and for your magnificent site!

Просьба не копировать  материалы без разрешения авторов сайта и без ссылки на данный сайт.
Please, do not copy  materials without the permission of the authors of this site or without giving a link to this site.

Первый Призрак.


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