He's here, The Phantom of the Opera... Русский | English
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Первый Призрак. Sydmonton.

Текст арий. Музыка Ночи.

Июль  1985 | Автор Ричард Стилго.

Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation,
Darkness multiplies imagination.
Slowly all the senses, abandon their defences,
Helpless to resist the notes I write,
For I compose the music of the night.

Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see.
In the dark it is easy to pretend,
That the truth is what it ought to be.

Take your time, breath in, filling us completely.
First love, slaughter, adverse words of greeting.
As the night is nearing, the touch, the taste, and hearing,
Gradually replace redundent sight,
Preparing for the music of the night.

Close your eyes, let the touch of it, abuse the soul;
Let it's timbre crescendo in the flame.
Can you tell, is it pleasure? Is it pain?
From now on, you'll never be the same.

Go now, gently; my music, though you fear it,
Let me show you, only stay, and hear it.
Measure after measure, an instrument of pleasure!
A treasure-house, of passion and delight.
Come join me in the music of the night.

All alone, my soul can not be right,
Help me make the music of the night.


Тексты арий  были взяты с  сайта Тома Эткинса с его разрешения специально для этого сайта.

The  lyrics of the songs  were  taken from site by Tom Atkins The Phantom of the Opera - The Sydmonton workshop with his permission special for this site. Thank you very much Tom for your help and for your magnificent site!

Просьба не копировать  материалы без разрешения авторов сайта и без ссылки на данный сайт.
Please, do not copy  materials without the permission of the authors of this site or without giving a link to this site.

Первый Призрак.


 Текст арий. What Has Time Done To Me

Текст арий. Призрак Оперы

Текст арий. Аукцион

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Текст арий. Don Nero