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Interview with John Owen-Jones.
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 Dear visitors!

On this page you will be able to read interviews with different interesting people who are connected with musical theatrical world. Interviews will be coming up as soon as they are done.

In the meantime you will be able to look through only one interview - interview with English singer John Owen - Jones.

But first, let me tell you a bit about this person.

John originally comes from South Wales. He trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, graduating in 1994 with a B.A in Acting.

John has worked extensively in theatre and most recently was seen at the Palace Theatre playing the role of Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables". This is a show John has been closely associated with for several years having played Jean Valjean in London, on the UK tour and on television.

John also appeared in, and on the recording of the "Les Miserables" Tenth Anniversary Concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

John has also played: Samuel in "The Pirates of Penzance", Friar Francis in "Much Ado About Nothing" (both of these productions were nominated for Olivier Award), Herr Zeller in "The Sound of Music" and many others. John has appeared on television on BBC ("Backstage"; "Pebble Mill"), ITV ("The Bill"; "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby"; "The South Bank Show") and etc.

Now John plays one of the most interesting and complicated roles in the world of musical theatre - he plays the Phantom in A.L. Webber's musical "The Phantom of the Opera".

This year I was lucky to see him twice in this role. Truly speaking, I liked his acting. His Phantom is enough emotional, highly resolute, self - reliant, maybe a bit nervous, even aggressive , but he makes an impression. John's voice is beautiful, strong and he uses it perfectly.


Anastasia: When you were a child did you dream about becoming musical performer? If you didn't what was your dream about?

John Owen-Jones: No , I never dreamed about becoming a musical performer, and never about becoming an actor, really, until I was in my early teens. I didn't have any ambitions.

I wanted to become a doctor for a while because I thought they were earning lots of money, but it's too stressful, you know, you'll end up responsible of people dying if you're a doctor, so I quickly forgot it. (chuckle)

I didn't have any dream of becoming a musical performer anyway, in fact, I didn't really discovered I could sing before I was fourteen of fifteen.

A: What do you think about Phantom' s character?

JOJ: That's a really tough question to answer. Do you mean the Phantom as a role or the Phantom's character as a person?

Because obviously, he's not a really likeable person, he's been wronged all his life and has reasons for what he does, but there is no reason to kill people. So, I suppose I don't like the Phantom...

A: What other role would you like to play best of all? What are your plans for the future?

JOJ: What roles would you like to play? (he reflects a bit) I dunno, I dunno....I can't answer that... I think I'd like to play Billy Bigelow in Carousel, that's a great role, or George, in "Sunday in the park with George". I dunno, it depends what is coming out, and if they are going to be done again.

What are my plans for the future? In the immediate future, stay in the Phantom until next October, maybe after that, I dunno, my options change from month to month, what shows are on, what shows are out, so we'll wait and see, I guess...

A: Who is your favourite musical actor? What is the main quality for musical actor in your opinion?
JOJ: My favourite musical actor is Mandy Patinkin, who was the original "Che Guevara" in Evita, on Broadway. He has done a lot of films, TV, and musicals. He's got an incredible talent, so I'd like to kinda emulate his career.

The main quality of a musical actor for me would probably be.... be able to sing as well as they can act. I mean, you have a lot of people who can sing, a lot of people who can act, but not many who can do both, in my opinion. So the main quality is having a combination of that.

A: Of course I know that you are a very busy person. But if you have a spare time how do you like to spend it?

JOJ: My Nintendo Game Cube, the internet, reading, DVD's, going out to posh dinners with my wife, spend time with my daughter, walking my dog,.... I'll be moving soon, so all my spare time will be spent in decorating, then.

A: Can I ask some personal questions... What is your favourite dish?

JOJ: My favourite dish is possibly Dim Sum, which are Chinese dumplings, or steak, or a welsh broth called Calw, that my mother makes brilliantly, (and that I make a good version as well).

A: What is your favourite drink?

JOJ: My favourite drink is Coca-Cola. Without a doubt, it's Coke.

A: What is your favourite Colour in your clothe?

JOJ: Black.

A: Do you sing for your daughter Nia?

JOJ: Yes, she absolutely loves when I do, at least it's what I say to myself.

 A: If you do, what do you sing for her?

JOJ: I use to sing.. I dunno, non-sense songs, I make them up...she just likes it.

A: And by the way what is the name of your dog?

JOJ: My dog is called Rosie.

A: Do you know any Russian modern singer?

JOJ: No, I must admit to my shame I don't, I'm afraid. I know Russian playwrights, but I dunno anything about modern Russian music.

A: Would you like to visit Russia someday?

JOJ: I'd absolutely love to. I think it's a very interesting place, Moscow.

A: What is your favourite song from Phantom of the Opera and what scene do you like to play best of all?

JOJ: My favourite song in Phantom is....God...mmm...I'd came back to that one...

The part I like to play best of all is "Past the Point of No Return" or "The Final Lair", these are my favourites to play, but not my favourites songs.

I don't really have a favourite song, but these are my favourites pieces in the show. I don't know, I think a lot of the duets and trios Andrew Lloyd Webber does are great, but I don't have a favourite.

A: Would you like to play on Broadway someday?

JOJ: You're kidding me? Of course I would!

A: When I saw the show I didn't notice that you were wearing contact lenses of different colours for different eyes. Phantoms doesn't wear them anymore?

JOJ: No, Phantoms haven't actually worn them since Michael Crawford realised they couldn't work, in the first few weeks of running it. Obviously, he had to wear two, in fact, to give the different colours, and they kept falling out, so, no, that's pretty impossible to do, not to mention that most of the audience wouldn't notice it anyway...

A: What music do you like to listen to ? What CDs are your favorite?

JOJ: Heavy metal…(Looks in his bag and gets a pile of CDs). Favorite groups: Smashing Pumpkins, Guns & Roses.

A: I also want to ask you for a favour, Mr. Owen - Jones. It'd be very nice if you sign my photo for me. I'd be very grateful.

JOJ: Of course I'd sign your picture, love. (smiling, he takes a pen and sign it)

©Anastasia 2002 year.

This interview is published with permission of Mister Owen-Jones.

Copying or reproduction of the interview or one of its fragments is FORBIDDEN!!! Please, respect the copyright!  

'd like to thank Mr. Owen - Jones with all my heart for full and detailed answers and Michele "Cookie" Marteau - Gheysens without whom this interview will never be done. Thank you, Cookie!

The question number 17 is taken from Cookie's interview with Mr. Owen - Jones with her permission. All rights reserved.  

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